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Rebates and Concessions

Rate rebates and concessions are available for eligible property owners.

Senior Woman in Kitchen

Certain persons and/or organisations may be eligible for a rebate of council rates, for example community groups, health and education organisations.

Council rebates can only be granted under criteria specified in our legislation. Our Rate Rebate Policy provides details of the mandatory and discretionary rebates available.

Applications for rate rebates must be lodged by 1 October in each financial year. 

For eligibility criteria and to apply, download: Rate Rebate Application Form

Postponement of rates

Postponement of rates - seniors

Over the past several years, significant and in some areas uneven, movement in property values has caused a substantial redistribution of Council rates amongst ratepayers within some Council areas.

In response to these movements, Councils have implemented flexible payment arrangements and where appropriate, rate capping measures. However, some seniors, many of whom are pensioners, have found it difficult to pay their Council rates. Even though they own property and are 'asset rich', low income often means 'cash poor'.

The Local Government Act 1999 provides the option for State Seniors Card holders to apply to postpone payment of part of their Council rates on a long-term basis. The deferred amount is subject to a monthly interest charge, with the accrued debt being payable on the disposal or sale of the property. However, the debt may be paid at any earlier time at the ratepayer's discretion.

For further information, download the below information or contact the Council's Rates Officer on 08 8366 4554 for a confidential discussion.

Download: Postponement of Rates - Seniors Information Sheet

Download: Postponement of Rates - Seniors Application Form

Postponement or remission of rates - hardship

If you are experiencing long-term and genuine financial hardship, you may apply for a remission or postponement of rates.

For further information, download the below application form or contact the Rates Officer on 08 8366 4554 for a confidential discussion.

Download: Postponement or Remission of Rates & Fines Application Form

Rate capping rebate

A rebate of general rates will be granted automatically to residential ratepayers whose rates have increased substantially this year due to rapid changes in valuations. The effect of the rate capping rebate is to limit any rate increase on prior year rates to 17%, subject to certain conditions.  

If you did not receive the rate capping on your rate account, and you believe that you are eligible, you can apply for the rebate using the application form below.


You are eligible for the general rate capping rebate if your rates (excluding the Regional Landscape Levy) have increased by more than 17% of the amount levied in the previous year and that this increase is not as a result of:

  • new building work and/or development activity worth more than $30,000, or
  • the zoning of the land has changed, or
  • change to the land use of the property since July 2023, or
  • a change of ownership of the property since 1 January 2023, or
  • rates capping applied in the previous year.

To check your eligibility, complete the checklist included in the Rate Capping Rebate Application Form:

Download: Rate Capping Rebate Application Form


Council's Rates Officer
T: 08 8366 4554