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New Bins, Repairs and Skips

East Waste on behalf of the City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters provides the following bin services.

To request a bin service, click on a dropdown box below

Second bin requests

Residents - second bin request

Recycling (yellow lid) and green organics (green lid)

To order a second recycling (yellow lid) or green organics (green lid) bin, complete the online Additional Bin(s) Request Form

Fees and charges apply: Fees and Charges

Please note:

  • you can only apply for one extra bin of the same type per household
  • additional bins will only be collected if a permit has been granted and valid permit sticker is displayed on front of the bin
  • additional annual bin service

Waste/landfill bin (red lid)

Additional waste/landfill bins (red lid) will only be provided to residential properties under extenuating circumstances.

If you require an additional waste/landfill bin (red lid) in addition to your entitlement, complete the online Additional Bin(s) Request Form

Please note:

  • an annual fee applies for additional bins (see fees and charges table below)
  • you can only apply for one extra bin of the same type per household
  • additional bins will only be collected if a permit has been granted and valid permit sticker is displayed on the front of the bin.

If your application is approved, East Waste will contact you to arrange for payment, delivery of your bin(s) and permit sticker(s).

Commercial and not-for-profit premises - second bin request

Recycling (yellow lid) and green organics (green lid)

If you wish to order recycling (yellow lid) or green organics (green lid) bins in addition to your entitlement, you can complete the Additional Bin(s) Request Form and forward it to East Waste.

Fees and charges apply: Fees and Charges

Please note:

  • an annual fee applies for additional bins
  • you can only apply for one extra bin of the same type per premises
  • additional bins will only be collected if a permit has been granted and valid permit sticker is displayed on the front of the bin.

If your application is approved, East Waste will contact you to arrange for payment, delivery of your bin(s) and permit sticker(s).

To apply, complete the online form:

 Additional Bin(s) Request Form

Waste/landfill (red lid)

Note: From 1 July 2022, additional 140 litre waste/landfill bins (red lid) will not be available to commercial (or tenancies) or community and not-for-profit organisations.

Waste to landfill requirements over 140L are deemed to be commercial in scale and it is expected that each business will access commercial waste and recycling collection suppliers.

Please note: changes to waste/landfill bin (red lid) requests came into effect on 1 July 2022. 

In accordance with the Council's Waste Management Policy the following changes came in to effect on 1 July 2022. 


One additional waste/landfill bin (red lid) will only be provided to a residential property where extenuating circumstances can be demonstrated by the applicant in a written request.

The written request must outline any/all extenuating circumstances you think should be considered by the Council when assessing your request and list non-recyclable item types and volume.

The written request is to be submitted along with the Additional Bin(s) Request Form to East Waste and approved by the Council at its absolute discretion. 

Extenuating circumstances include:

  • ongoing medical needs that produce additional non-recyclable waste
  • six or more permanent residents living in one residential dwelling
  • two or more permanent residents in nappies in one residential dwelling
  • high levels of any other non-recyclable household waste items that cannot be reasonably disposed of through any other means.

A one-off charge for the provision of additional red lid bins applies, as well as recurring fees for service collection.

Commercial and not-for-profit premises

No additional 140 litre waste/landfill bins (red lid) will be provided to commercial and not-for-profit premises. 

Waste to landfill requirements over 140L are deemed to be commercial in scale and it is expected that each business will access commercial waste and recycling collection suppliers.

Missing or stolen bin

Replace a missing or stolen bin 

My bin has gone missing or has been stolen.

Complete the online form:

Missing / Stolen bin Form

Bin repairs

Repair a bin service

My bin needs repairing.

Complete the online Bin Repair Request Form or call East Waste on 08 8347 5111.

Complete the online form:

Bin Repair Request Form

New bins (for a new property or not previously supplied)

New bins

I have moved into a new property which does not have bins on site.

Please note: this form should only be used to order bins for new properties only or if no bins have been supplied to the property previously.

Complete the New Bin Service Form and forward to East Waste via post or email.

Download and complete:

New bin service form

Cancel a bin

Cancel an additional bin

To cancel an additional bin service, complete the online form: 

Cancel additional bin form

Skip bins

Skip bin permit provided by the Council (not East Waste)

To apply for a skip bin permit, visit the Apply for a Permit page and click on the Alteration and Use of a Public Road / Footpath heading for further information and to apply.


For more information about any of the above services, call East Waste on 8347 5111 or visit: East Waste