Emergencies & Disasters
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The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters has a support role to play in helping local communities to prepare, respond and recover from emergencies.
The information on this page will assist you to:
- understand the support your council and state government can provide before, during and after an emergency
- identify who to contact for emergency assistance
- improve your understanding of emergencies.
Be prepared
Emergencies and disasters can happen at any time and affect anyone.
It is important to plan and prepare for emergencies to help reduce the impact and recover more quickly.
To find out how prepared you are, take the Red Cross quiz:
Before, during and after an emergency
You can contact the Council for any non-life-threatening emergencies on our after-hours emergency number: 08 8366 4555.
If you have a life-threatening or urgent situation dial Triple Zero (000) and ask for ambulance, fire or police depending on the type of emergency.
Emergency contacts
If you have a life-threatening or urgent situation dial Triple Zero (000) and ask for ambulance, fire or police depending on the type of emergency.
For a list of emergency numbers visit: How to Report an Emergency - SA.GOV.AU
Your local ABC radio station is the official emergency broadcaster delivering warnings and alerts.
Find information about current alerts and emergency warnings on the SA.GOV.AU website.
Emergency services and the state government issue advice and warning messages to the public through websites, smartphone apps, television and radio broadcasts, mobile phone SMS messages and posts on social media.
Housing SA may establish relief centres to provide support in an emergency event.
Relief centres provide immediate and short-term shelter, food and drink, and emotional support during an emergency event.
The location of relief centres will be advertised through the media, at the time of the incident.
In the event of a bushfire, if you have a bushfire survival plan and you plan to leave early, it is important that you know where to go.
To find bushfire safer places and last resort refuges, visit: Bushfire Safer Places - CFS
For general information about disaster recovery, including what services may be offered and how they are provided, visit: Recovery - SA.GOV.AU
Council may help with recovery operations including:
- damage assessments
- clearance of roads and bridges
- removal of debris
- clean-up and disposal
- environmental remediation and restoration.
Council services will be advertised at the time of the incident on this site and other media.
The state government may establish recovery centres as a one-top-shop to provide access to all services available to affected communities.
The location of recovery centres will be advertised at the time of the incident on Recovery - SA.GOV.AU, Facebook - SA Recovery Info and other media.
Emergency information and assistance by topic
For emergency assistance during a bushfire dial Triple Zero (000).
- Prepare for a bushfire: visit: Country Fire Service (CFS) and SA.GOV.AU for preparation tips and resources.
- During a bushfire: stay informed with CFS warning and incidents and check Alert SA for event and warning information.
- After a bushfire: visit, SA.GOV.AU for information about a specific bushfire recovery event and general bushfire recovery.
For emergency assistance during a storm event call the State Emergency Service on 132 500.
- Before, during and after a storm, visit: SA.GOV.AU - Extreme Storm
- Warnings and alerts, visit: Alert SA - Event and Warning Information
For emergency assistance during a flood event call the State Emergency Service on 132 500.
- Prepare for a flood, visit: SA.GOV.AU.
- During a flood, visit: Alert SA - Event and Warning Information and SA.GOV.AU.
- After a flood, visit: SA.GOV.AU - topics for information about a specific flood recovery event and general flood recovery information.
- Emergency assistance in a house fire - dial Triple Zero (000).
- Before, during and after a house fire, visit: SA.GOV.AU.
For information about infectious diseases, disease prevention and flu pandemics, visit: SA.GOV.AU - Human Disease
Report suspicious activity to the National Security Hotline 1800 123 400 or SA Police 131 444.
To find out what to do before, during and after a terrorist incident go to SA.GOV.AU.
For information on more types of emergencies, visit the following SA.GOV.AU topics below:
Donating and volunteering
The best way to help after an emergency is by:
- donating: to find out more, visit: SA.GOV.AU - How Can I Help
- volunteering: to find out more, visit: Volunteering SA & NT
Further reading
- Key Hazards & Risks Summary: Emergency Management Plan (Eastern Adelaide)