Dunstan Adventure Playground Upgrade
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Consultation closed Tuesday 14 December 2021.
The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters will be upgrading the Dunstan Adventure Playground, located adjacent the River Torrens / Karrawirra Pari at the intersection of Winchester Street & Eleventh Avenue, St Peters.
About the project
The Council has budgeted $900,000, which includes $450,000 from the State Government’s Open Space Grant Funding Program, to deliver the Dunstan Adventure Playground Upgrade.
Dunstan Adventure Playground is a ‘Regional Open Space’, meaning that it attracts people from outside the Council area and appeals to a wider cross-section of the community due to its size, special features (i.e. big slide) and location along the River Torrens / Karrawirra Pari Linear Park Trail.
Dunstan Adventure Playground is designated to have an ‘adventure theme’ and cater to both younger (5-9 years old) and older (10-14 years old) children.
The upgrade is anticipated to commence construction in spring 2022.
Some of the elements that the Council is proposing to include in the upgrade are:
- better paths and connections between Eleventh Avenue / Winchester Street and the River Torrens Linear Park Trail, including path lighting
- new play equipment (adventure themed)
- toilets
- a barbeque
- a picnic shelter
- new park furniture (e.g. seats, picnic settings, signage)
- new landscaping (e.g. garden beds) and irrigation
- bank improvements for accessibility, safety and to reduce erosion.
Have your say
The Council is now seeking input from the local community on the types of play equipment and facilities to be included in the Dunstan Adventure Playground upgrade.
Community ideas will be used to inform and develop a Concept Plan.
Community consultation is open for a three week period, from Tuesday 23 November until Tuesday 14 December 2021.
You can have your say in the following ways:
Written feedback:
- Email:
- Post: Dunstan Adventure Playground Upgrade, City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters, PO Box 204, Kent Town SA 5071
Community Information Session
A Community Information Session will be held at the Dunstan Adventure Playground, Winchester Street & Eleventh Avenue, St Peters on Saturday 4 December 2021 from 10:00am to 1:00pm.
Please come along to learn more about the project and enjoy a free sausage sizzle.
If you are unable to attend, the Council would still like to hear from you.
What happens next
All submissions received as part of the Dunstan Adventure Playground Upgrade consultation will be presented to the Council for information and consideration prior to endorsement of the draft concept plan.
Jared Barnes
Project Manager, Urban Design & Special Projects
T: 08 8366 4506
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