October 2023 – September 2024Complete
Contractor procurement
October 2024 – January 2025Complete
Construction to commence
February / March 2025In progress
Construction complete
Late 2025Scheduled
Latest News
We are pleased to advise that South Australian based contractor, Bardavcol Pty Ltd, has been awarded the contract to undertake Stage 4 of the Trinity Valley Drainage Upgrade, including the upgrade of the St Morris Reserve.
Preliminary works to start in late February, include:
> Establishment of a compound in St Morris Reserve
> Site survey and set out
> Location of underground utility services.
Work hours on site: Monday to Friday, 7am to 5pm.
Traffic and access during construction:
> Night works will be conducted on Glynburn Road to maintain traffic flow. Advance notice will be provided to affected properties before work starts
> Traffic restrictions and detours will be in place during major works to ensure safety for workers and the community
> Please follow on-site signage and allow extra time for travel around the project area
> If access to your property is affected, you will be notified before work begins near your property or business.
Thank you to the community and residents for their patience as we complete these important infrastructure upgrades and improve our city’s recreational spaces.
Upcoming SA Water works – Third Avenue, Green Street, Seventh Avenue and Gage Street 6 January 2025 to late January 2025.
SA Water will begin water service alteration works on Monday, 6 January 2025 as part of the early works for the Trinity Valley Stormwater Upgrade Stage 4, including the St Morris Reserve Upgrade.
As part of these essential works, traffic restrictions will be in place and local detours may be necessary. We kindly ask the community to be mindful of changes in traffic conditions and to allow extra time for travel in the affected areas.
Vehicle access to local properties will be maintained throughout the works period.
If your property is expected to experience temporary disruptions to your water service, further information will be provided directly to residents by SA Water or its contractor prior to the works taking place.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we complete these important works.