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Payneham Memorial Swimming Centre Redevelopment

Payneham Memorial Swimming Centre Redevelopment

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Category: Venues and facilities

The redevelopment of the Payneham Memorial Swimming Centre into a modern aquatic leisure centre is underway.

The project is expected to take approximately two years and is on track for completion in early 2026.

Once completed, the redeveloped Payneham Memorial Swimming Centre will offer an impressive range of facilities, including:

  • 10 lane, 50 metre outdoor pool
  • 8 lane, 25 metre indoor pool
  • 11 x 20-metre indoor learner’s pool
  • 14 metre tall tower with two waterslides
  • zero-depth waterplay area
  • multiple male, female, and unisex all-access changerooms with showers, toilets, and lockers
  • multipurpose meeting rooms
  • shade shelters, picnic seating, and barbeques.

Each pool will offer all-access entry via ramp or lift, and aquatic wheelchairs will be available for public use to ensure inclusivity for all visitors.

The project is expected to generate 100 new jobs during construction, with an additional 40 jobs (e.g. lifeguards and staff) once the centre opens.

The $60 million development includes a $5.6 million contribution from the State Government through the Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Program, supporting this exciting community enhancement.

Timelapse video: 8 May - 5 November

For additional details about this project, download: Project Information Document 

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In the meantime, there is plenty of room to splash about, or do laps, at the Norwood Swimming Centre, Phillips Street, Kensington


  • Concept design endorsed by Council

    3 May 2021


  • Schematic Design endorsed by Council

    2 May 2022


  • Detail design and documentation

    May 2022 - July 2023


  • Tender for construction

    August - December 2023


  • Contract awarded to Badge Constructions

    25 January 2024


  • Construction works

    February 2024 - Early 2026

    In progress

  • New Centre open to the public

    Early 2026 (date to be confirmed)


Latest News

To date, the following works have been completed:

> the 50m outdoor pool, and
> the Pool Hall building with the indoor 25m and learn to swim pools are almost finished.

To date, the following works have been completed:

> demolition of the former buildings, pools and associated infrastructure
> upgrades to the sewer main and water connections
> earthworks and soil contamination management
> concrete pours for the Learn to Swim and 25 metre pools
> installation of precast walls along the OG Road frontage

Next stages include construction of the pool hall building, concrete pours for the 50metre outdoor pool and installation of a new electrical transformer.


Who will undertake the construction work?

The Council appointed Badge Constructions to undertake the work. Badge Constructions are a privately owned multi-award construction group which started in Adelaide in 1983.

Why was Badge Constructions selected?

Badge Constructions is an award-winning builder renowned for its expertise in similar community-focused sport and recreation projects, including the Scotch College Wellbeing and Sports Centre in Torrens Park and the Wulanda Community Centre in Mount Gambier.

Is Badge Constructions a South Australian company?

Yes. The Council has a policy of choosing South Australian businesses for major projects whenever possible.

When will work start?

Work has already started on the Centre. Workers from Badge Constructions are currently on the site.

When will the Payneham Memorial Swimming Centre be open?

At this stage it is likely the Centre will open in 2026.

How many jobs will be created?

It is estimated about 100 FTE jobs will be during construction plus 40 on site working at the Centre either as lifeguards or in the kiosk etc.

What Pools or Swimming Centres can I use while the work is being undertaken at PMSC?

Norwood Swimming Centre is open 7 days a week for lap swimming and other fun activities!

I live right near the Payneham Memorial Swimming Centre. Will this redevelopment cause disruption?

The Council will work with the contractor to ensure that there is a minimal disruption. However, when work is being undertaken residents and business operators will be advised.

Will roads be blocked off?

If roads are blocked off, citizens and business operators will receive prior warning through letterbox drops and information available on the Council’s website.

Why did the old Centre have to close?

The Payneham Memorial Swimming Centre was first opened in 1968 by the former Payneham Council and, despite several repairs and plant replacement over the years, it has reached the end of its useful life. For this facility to stay open it needed a massive investment and that is exactly what Council committed to. In short, the days spending money on patch-up jobs at the pool are over. The Council would have been wasting rate payers money with “band-aid’ solutions when the only real solution was brand-new infrastructure.

Did the Council consult with the community?

The Council consulted with the community (three times) on its Swimming Centre Strategy and the community told us it wanted the Payneham Memorial Swimming Centre to be a 'regional destination' incorporating a 50 metre swimming pool, learners pool and water play park.

The final design incorporates what the community have requested and expects.

How will the project costs impact the Council’s financial sustainability?

To read the Payneham Memorial Swimming Centre’s Prudential Management Report please read the document list on this page.

Site Address

194 OG Rd, Felixstow SA 5070


$60 million

Project Contact

Contact Michael Moshos

Contact role Project Manager

Phone 08 8366 4571


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