One of Adelaide's most desirable places to live, work and visit.
Caring for our communities and fostering participation in community and civic life.
Pursuing initiatives that improve our environment and protect our resources.
Growing a strong local economy and encouraging investment.
Providing a range of services to meet the needs of the community.
Applying sustainable and environmentally responsible approaches to development.
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Provide a brief description of the landscaping works which includes the names of the plants you intend to use. (Please refer to the Guidelines for Landscaping of Council Verges).
Identify the location where the proposed landscaping works will be carried out.
This Authorisation will be for a term of twenty-one (21) years commencing on the date this Authorisation is granted by the Council.Note: you must notify the Council of completion of works within 12 months of the commencement date, or within 2 months of completion of Council works under the Capital Works Footpath Program, otherwise this Authorisation will lapse.
Please tick the appropriate option and refer to the notes below to determine if you require Public Liability Insurance.
Please tick the appropriate option.
Public Liability notes:1. You will not be covered by the Council’s insurance for third party damage or loss in connection with your verge garden. You may wish to extend your domestic insurance coverage to cover this area.2. For groups established under the auspices of an incorporated association (eg a local residents’association, please ensure your group is covered by the head organisation’s insurance policy.
Please attach the following documents.
For applicants who are tenants or for applications where the verge is not located directly in front of your property, please download and complete the Authorisation to Landscape a Verge – Notification and Consent Form, available for download from the Verge Gardens webpage, and upload it below.
Please outline the proposed landscaping works including the approximate size of verge / reserve area in square metres and the location of any driveways or property access points.
Please ensure you have read the Authorisation to Landscape a Verge Conditions and the Council’s Verge Landscaping and Maintenance Policy & Guidelines (available at before submitting the application form.
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