Volunteer Strategy 2024-2028
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Volunteer Strategy 2024-2028
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Category: Consultation
This consultation has concluded.
Have your say on the Draft Volunteer Strategy 2024-2028 and Action Plan.
The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters Volunteer Strategy 2024-2028 seeks to guide the development and growth of the Council’s Volunteer Service, identify priority areas of action and inform the Council’s role in supporting people involved in volunteering activities across the City.
Read: Draft Volunteer Strategy 2024-2028
Read: Draft Volunteer Strategy 2024-2028 Action Plan: Summary of Actions
The Council is seeking feedback on the draft Strategy.
Feedback can be provided in the following ways:
- In person at the Norwood Town Hall or the Council Libraries
- Email townhall@npsp.sa.gov.au
- Via our online feedback form
Closed for consultation
Date closed: 08/10/2024
Key dates
Consultation closes
Consultation opens
Who's listening?
Contact Navian Iseut
Contact role Manager Arts, Culture & Community Connections
Phone 83664550
Email niseut@npsp.sa.gov.au