Inter-War Housing Heritage Code Amendment
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Inter-War Housing Heritage Code Amendment
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Category: Consultation
This consultation has concluded.
The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters is proposing to introduce heritage protection for some buildings constructed in the Inter-war era.
Specifically, the Code Amendment proposes to include 20 dwellings as Local Heritage Places and apply the Historic Area Overlay in part of Heathpool where there is a cohesive historic character due to the presence of significant original Inter-war dwellings.
Within the Historic Area Overlay, 12 of the properties are proposed to be identified as Representative Buildings.
The Code Amendment also seeks to apply the Heritage Adjacency Overlay to properties adjacent to proposed Local Heritage Places, and some minor Zone and Overlay changes in association with the proposed Heathpool Historic Area.
The affected area consists of several properties in Heathpool, as well as individual sites in College Park, Hackney, Marden, Marryatville, Maylands, St Peters, Royston Park and Joslin.
This Code Amendment is consistent with the Council’s Built Heritage Strategy 2022-2027 which includes an objective to identify additional Inter-war era buildings that may be worthy of heritage listing or additional protection (Objective 2.1: Protect key examples of Inter-war heritage).
Download: Inter-war Code Amendment Fact Sheet
Download: Heritage and Historic Area Protection Fact Sheet
The Council is encouraged by the support from the State Government to make changes to the Code to facilitate and improve heritage and historic area protection, including a matched funding grant towards the development and progression of heritage Code Amendments.
Dowload a copy of the draft Code Amendment -
Have your say!
Have your say at a drop-in session:
- Wednesday 13 November 2024 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm - Mayor's Parlour, Norwood Town Hall
- Thursday 14 November 2024 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm - Don Pyatt Hall, Norwood Town Hall
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Closed for consultation
Date closed: 20/12/2024
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Phone 08 8366 4555