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Holmesdale Memorial Tennis Club – draft Lease Agreement

Holmesdale Memorial Tennis Club – draft Lease Agreement

Media gallery

Category: Consultation

This consultation has concluded.

The Council has approved granting a twenty-year (10 + 10 year) lease to the Holmesdale Memorial Tennis Club for the continued use of the premises at John Horrocks Memorial Green, 58 Breaker Street, St Morris.

The draft lease has been prepared and the Council has endorsed this lease for community consultation in accordance with the Local Government Act 1999.

Download: draft Lease Agreement

Alternatively, the document can be viewed in hard copy at the Citizen Services Centre, Norwood Town Hall.

Have your say!

If you would like to provide any comments on the draft Lease Agreement, email:

Please provide your comments by 5pm, Friday 15 November 2024.


Closed for consultation

Date closed: 15/11/2024

Key dates

Consultation closes

Consultation opens

Who's listening?

Contact Jenny McFeat

Contact role Manager, Governance

Phone 08 83664555
