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Greater Adelaide Regional Plan


Have your say on the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan

Regional plans play an important role in guiding sustainable growth by identifying land use and long-term infrastructure over a 15 to 30-year period. They outline where new housing and employment areas will be located, how services will be delivered, and what infrastructure is needed while exploring different growth scenarios.

What's being decided?

The State Planning Commission (the Commission) has released the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan (the Plan) and want to hear from community, councils and industry on how we sustainably prepare for future growth.

The Plan set outs a long-term vision for Greater Adelaide, detailing where people will live and work, how they will move around and where they will access services. It provides data and recommendations for managing growth and adapting to changes in our community and urban environment.

Additionally, the Plan focuses on the maintenance of green spaces and tree canopies, modernising essential services and infrastructure, recognising neighbourhood character and prioritising environmental sustainability.

Consultation closes Monday 4 November

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